Digital Friendships Report

Highlights from the UK Safer Internet Centre report into the role of technology in young people's relationships

UKSIC Digital FriendshipsThe report states that the "findings reveal how central technology is to young people’s relationship and the many different platforms they are using to interact with each other. It also highlights both the positive and negative role that technology can play in young people’s relationships and that whilst they are proactively helping to build a better internet, they also want support from the adults in their lives to do so".

The report identifies the positive effects of online relationships, with the majority of young people having positive experiences and interactions online:

  • In the last year, more than four in five (83%) of 8-17s have experienced people being kind to them online
  • 68% of young people said that chatting to their friends online cheers them up
  • The most popular platforms 8-17 year olds are using to chat to their friends on a daily basis are YouTube (41%), WhatsApp (32%), Snapchat (29%), Instagram (27%) and Facebook or Facebook Messenger (26%)

    Young people aged 8-17 are using a variety of methods to express themselves online with emojis being the most popular (84%) followed by slang terms (72%), facial expressions in selfies (70%) and images (63%).

    Encouragingly, In the last year, 88% respondents said they had sent a kind message online to a friend who was feeling upset.

    However, the report also identifies the negative impact of online relationships with over half (54%) of respondents aged 8-17 saying that they would feel isolated if they couldn’t talk to their friends via technology and two in five (40%) respondents stating that they feel left out when people post things they haven’t been included in.

    Over a third of young people (36%) say that they feel that other people’s lives look more exciting than theirs on social media with girls more likely to feel this (40%) in comparison to boys (33%).

    The report identifies the support that young people are seeking when it comes to online relationships with more than seven in ten (72%) of those surveyed wanting their school to teach them about cyberbullying and how to manage friendships online. However, almost three in five (58%) respondents aged 8-17 say that they feel that teachers don’t always understand their online lives and 28% don’t feel like their parents or carers do.

    In conclusion, the report recommends that schools play an important role in educating and empowering children and young people to use technology respectfully, responsibly, critically and creatively, and in establishing a culture of kindness and supportiveness that promotes student wellbeing. From Computing to Relationships Education and PSHE, it is essential that education keeps pace with changes in technology, to ensure that interventions are relevant, engaging and effective. Schools play an important role in offering positive opportunities for learning and creativity, as well as helping young people to harness the power of technology to make a positive difference. This report shows the range of strategies that young people would use if something upset them online and schools can help to ensure young people both know and use these strategies to cope with any difficulties they experience.

    The full report can be downloaded from the UK Safer Internet Centre website
    UKSIC Digital Friendships Grahpic

    Written by Safeguarding Essentials on February 16, 2018 11:37

    Appropriate Filtering and Monitoring

    Guide for education settings and filtering providers about establishing 'appropriate levels’ of filtering and monitoring

    UK Safer Internet CentreSchools in England (and Wales) are required “to ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school, including by establishing appropriate levels of filtering”.

    Furthermore, the Department for Education published proposed changes to ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ for consultation in December 2015. Amongst the proposed changes, schools will be obligated to “ensure appropriate filters and appropriate monitoring systems are in place. Children should not be able to access harmful or inappropriate material from the school or colleges IT system” however, schools will need to “be careful that “over blocking” does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what children can be taught with regards to online teaching and safeguarding.”

    So what does ‘appropriate’ actually mean?

    The UK Safer Internet Centre, led by SWGfL and in collaboration with 360 degree safe assessors and the NEN, recently published a considered definition of what constitutes ‘appropriate filtering’ and ’appropriate monitoring’, primarily aimed at supporting schools in assessing their own filtering and monitoring provision.

    "One of the most common questions that the UK Safer Internet Centre Helpline received from schools has reflected the anxiety around what constitutes ‘appropriate filtering and monitoring’. We’re delighted with the welcome that these new definitions have received by both schools and providers alike; providing the structure for schools to better understand their filtering and monitoring services and providers to articulate how their systems work". Director, UK Safer Internet Centre (SWGfL)

    The definition includes 3 sections, covering illegal online content, inappropriate online content and additional system features, enabling schools to consider their system provision to determine if it is ‘appropriate’. The guidance can be viewed and downloaded from the UK Safer Internet Centre website.

    Written by Safeguarding Essentials on May 12, 2016 10:04

    Safer Internet Day - #esstips Competition Update

    With just under 2 weeks to Safer Internet Day, we are delighted to share the #esstips competition entries we have received so far

    UKSIC SID2016

    Activites surrounding Safer Internet Day 2016 are hotting up and, as ever, it's proving to be a fantastic opportunity to get pupils involved in the positive aspects of the online environment.

    Our #esstips competition has been encouraging pupils to come up with their own positive tip for using the internet. To get involved, all your pupils have to do is come up with a positive e-safety tip that can be tweeted during the run-up to and during ‘Safer Internet Day’.

    Entries must be a maximum of 140 characters and include the hashtag #esstips

    To submit your school entries:

    1) Simply Tweet your entries including the hashtag #esstips from your school Twitter account,
    2) Submit your entries by email to

    Entry is still open and schools can enter as many tips as they wish. All entries must be received before midnight on February 8th 2016 to be included in the competition. Find out more.

    Prize update
    We are delighted to announce that our partners at Johnny Ross Consultancy are adding to the prize pot. Each of the category winners will receive a one hour consultancy, reviewing their school social media profile, with advice on what they should be doing, what they could be doing and how they can use social media to make a difference for their school.

    Entries received so far:
    Here are the entries we have received so far:

  • Keep selfies healthy
  • Always tell an adult if something does not feel or look right
  • Being mean to you? Block them and report them
  • Be careful. Unlike the game – you only live once
  • Use a nickname rather than your real name while online. Only your friends will know it’s you.
  • When playing a game, use a Nickname. Don’t be lame
  • Don't use unknown websites
  • Don't open messages from people you don't know
  • Don't put anything on the Web that you wouldn't be happy for your grandma to see.
  • Check your settings. Make sure your safe
  • Did you just have a chat? Stop and think. Do you know them?
  • You only have one life. Don’t share the details
  • If you're being cyber bullied know that you are not alone, speak out to friends, family, peers. Learn how to block unwanted foes!
  • If it doesn’t feel right, leave the site!
  • Private is the way your account should be, your photos only your friends should see!
  • Never assume snapchat pictures disappear right away
  • Would you give someone you do not know your house keys? No. Then don't give someone you don't know online your personal information.
  • Elephants never forget. Neither does the internet
  • THINK. Is it a good idea to send your friends phone number to a person you don't know? NO. THINK NO
  • Don't share your personal details they are the keys
  • When something is said or posted the internet never forgets it
  • Once you’ve posted a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it. This photo isn't just yours anymore!!!!!!!
  • Revealing pictures, unsafe. No revealing pictures, SAFE
  • Be a true friend and always say something if you think that they are at risk and they'll do the same for you
  • Never share your password to anyone not even friends.
  • Never use your name as your username.
  • Always read the terms and conditions.
  • Never share your private details to anyone.
  • Don’t ever post mean comments about anyone.
  • If someone is mean to you don’t delete it, keep the comment as evidence to show your parents.
  • Put your profile on private so no one you don’t know can see your photos and comments.
  • Don’t post any inappropriate pictures or videos.
  • Never giveaway your personal details
  • If you get a nasty message don’t delete it show an adult
  • Don’t send nasty messages
  • Make a nickname- do not use your real name
  • Never ever put your full details on the internet.
  • Don’t write hurtful things to others.
  • Always tell an adult what you’re doing on the internet
  • Have fun but do the right thing
  • Don’t post embarrassing pictures of yourself unless you have confirmed that only your friends can see it.
  • Don’t post a picture of yourself .
  • Don’t put your address.
  • Change your setting to private!
  • Don’t put your real name.
  • Don’t talk to strangers.
  • Set your profile to private
  • Don’t post a picture of yourself with your school uniform on or with your school logo.
  • Don’t use personal info!
  • Always be careful!
  • Don’t put up your personal information or anyone else’s.
  • Put a picture of you in a cartoon form.
  • Always ask permission before you make a profile.
  • If it doesn’t feel right, leave the site!
  • Private is the way your account should be, your photos only your friends should see!
  • Keep safe online online because your safety should not be thrown away
  • If someone sends a nasty message to you, just ignore it and say toodle-oo!
  • Respect yourself and others online; think before you post.
  • strong password = happy life
  • If there is something your not comfortable with report it to CEOP. Your not alone
  • The internet is a different world and not everyone is who we think they are.
  • Even though winning an I-pad is desirous, You do not want to get a virus. So do not click submit, For it is a counterfeit.
  • Be careful what you post online. You never know who’s behind your screen.
  • Think before you type. Think before you say. Think before you tell. Think before you do. There is always someone to talk to
  • Be careful what you post because you don’t know who is looking at them. Be safe
  • If you don’t trust a person in the street, then why trust someone on the internet
  • We matter, people care, think before you send. Can you prove you’re safe? This is why you should go into your settings and stay PRIVATE
  • If you dig yourself a hole, grab the ladder while you can, it’s long but you need to remember it’s there before it’s too late #staycybersafe
  • Do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know what you’re sending? Do you know WHO you’re sending it to? Take control
  • You are not alone, there is always someone in the same position as you. Don’t be afraid to speak out and tell someone
  • There is always someone to talk to online and on different websites or face to face conversations. If you feel worried or scared.. TALK!
  • If there’s something strange on the internet, who you gonna call? CEOP!
  • Parents nose because they care!
  • There’s always someone to talk to.
  • You wouldn’t go up to a stranger and tell them your password so why do it online?
  • If someone sends you a friendly message online but you don’t know who they are don’t reply. Always tell a parent
  • Never underestimate the ‘send’ button…
  • A good e-safety tip is there is always someone to help you if you’re struggling with an issue.
  • Think, would your parents be proud if this got send to the cloud?
  • Once it’s out there it can never be deleted, no matter how hard you try.
  • If a stranger came to you on the street and asked for your pictures, you wouldn’t give it to them. So DON’T do it online.
  • You might get annoyed with your parents checking your phone all the time – but they care about you! They’re there to protect you.
  • There is ALWAYS someone to talk to. Never talk to strangers! Think! STAY SAFE!
  • Top tips: let your parents know your password – they care. Safe passwords, protective parents, safety online.
  • Know who you are talking to: don’t trust random people

  • 1 click to upload but 1000 to delete
  • Don’t post what you wouldn’t say out loud.
  • Don’t forget that someone can just hit share.
  • Check it before you send it. You never know who can see it!
  • To be safe online just… Destroy your gadgets before you post!
  • be careful what you post on the internet because PDF! People don't Forget!
  • Would you tattoo your digital footprint to yourself because it’s a permanent as one!
  • Don’t be silly guys or you might be in for a nasty surprise!
  • Being private is just like locking your doors and be careful because you don’t want to start any wars!
  • Check your posts: would you like it to be tattooed to your forehead?
  • Remember: posts are permanent.
  • Privacy settings; Be prepared.
  • Be carefull an old man could be looking at the photos you’ve posted right now. He really likes them by the way
  • Think: do you want what ever you post to be tattooed all over your face
  • Your post is permanent, think before you change your future. You can't write in pencil and rub it out!
  • What you post is permanent, post safely before you post your privacy.
  • Not everyone's who they say they are, don’t give strangers personal details
  • be careful everything you post is permanent. People can find your every post.
  • you can remove a tattoo easier than your digital footprint.
  • once its done it can never be undone.
  • once it’s said the web is fed so don’t keep the web hungry for your information.
  • you wouldn’t post your information through someone’s door so why would you post your information through someone’s cyber door?
  • you would'nt walk up to a stranger on the street and tell them all your information so why would you tell a cyber stranger it.
  • be careful what you post on twitter because it may turn out to be quite bitter.
  • Be Aware. Hackers are there! Keep your data safe and in a private place.
  • be careful what you put online because it might not be all rainbows and sunshine.
  • Think before you post-Don’t think DON’T post!
  • A real tattoo only stains your digital tattoo permanently stays!
  • You are better safe than sorry, don’t post information in a hurry!
    Don’t give any personal details away. This includes: phone number, email and address. Identity theft and fraud are out there. Be safe and protect.
  • If the person your talking to is a stranger, they could be the cause of potential danger
  • Don’t ever give out personal information because then people can track you down and then there will be danger!
  • Never give your number to someone you don’t know!!
  • Always remember to think before you do something on the internet because you never know who is looking at your work or profile.
  • Don’t post anything that is about you or your family or inappropriate.
  • Protect your personal infomation, you never know who can see it
  • Always be aware, you never know who’s there.
  • If you could see yourself, would you stop yourself?
  • Don 't trust who you can't see.
  • Don't cause trouble by letting people invade your personal bubble.
  • Don't send nudes to the dudes, don't send pics to the chicks, it takes one second to post, thousands to remove.
  • Always think about what you post, you may regret it in the future and it could effect your chances of getting a job.
  • Don’t send nudes!!
  • You don’t want a scare so always be aware.
  • Don’t send nudes!!words to live by.
  • Think before you post. It will never go away.
  • Nothing EVER goes away once it is online the internet is written with a pen not a pencil, think before u post.
  • Control your thumb, don’t send pics of your bum!
  • Make sure your account is private! You don’t want people stalking you!
  • When you are online, Other people are not blind, So don’t send a picture, of your, BEHIND!
  • Remember, that pics not yours once you post it.
  • Your personal details are personal for a reason, never share them!
  • If you wouldn’t want your gran to see it then don’t post it on the online. Be safe on the internet!
  • Would you be willing to let your whole family see your internet history? Would you really? Why not?
  • Footprints in the sand can easily fade, your digital footprint won't. So let’s hope your footprint is clean ;)
  • Don’t post about people that you wouldn’t want them to post about you. Stop and think before you post.
  • Don’t post things that you would not want your nan to see
  • Posting Checklist –read before you post! 1: Would you be happy to show anyone? 2: Will it make the viewer smile?
  • Would your mum be impressed with it? Would you show it to your friends? If not…DON’T SEND IT!!
  • If you wouldn’t do it in the real world, don’t do it at all :p
  • you can’t get it back once you have posted it. Think before you post. Once you have posted it it’s there for everyone to see.
  • Clicking the post button can create a whole lot of pain for someone why would you want to do that. Think before you post.
  • just remember that everyone can see what you post#think before you post
  • Never meet up with strangers
  • Be careful what you post. Anyone can see it. And be aware for Predators. Think carefully.
  • Would YOU let a random person in your house? Anyone can see what you’re posting. This will change your future!
  • The internet may change your whole life in the future.
  • Think about what you’re doing, don’t post inappropriate things unless you’re expecting the consequences that come with it.
  • Be aware when you share. Say no to cyberbullying.
  • Don’t share any personal information online. A website that wants to know your personal information might not bea trustworthy one.
  • Remember think before you post stuff online, if you don’t want it on the front of a newspaper don’t post it.
  • Don’t talk to online strangers or arrange to meet them.
  • Think about what you post and think about the people who can see what you post!
  • On every social media site there is a report button.
  • Don’t put any personal information out there. i.e. where you live, it could be available to anyone and only let people who you know follow/add you.
  • Share it with your friends, but just your friends’, the world isnt your best friend
  • That one click of the button can change your future.
  • You wouldn’t talk to random strangers on the street so don’t do it online
  • Don’t send pictures if you don’t want anyone to see it. You don’t want it on the front of a magazine do you?
  • Don’t post or send anything that you wouldn’t want to be shared with everyone.
  • If you wouldn’t send it to your grandma DON’T SENDIT!
  • Be safe on the online. Make sure that you digital footprint doesn’t get any bigger than your real foot print. BESAFE!!!
  • REMEMBER Be safe online by knowing who you are texting and talking to. If you wouldn’t send it to your Nan don’t send it at all!
  • Think - would you go round showing the world? If you wouldn’t then don’t send it! Remember, the internet is in pen not pencil!
  • If you are using games websites in which you need a username then keep in mind to NEVER use anything related to you.
  • Don’t make your life regrettable, be the good one, be the responsible one! Don’t press send if you know it will give you trouble!
  • Think before you send, you never know what will happen
  • If you wouldn't send it to your grandma, don’t send it
  • You’re smart. You wouldn’t post something you would regret later. Would you? Stay safe and staysmart.
  • Treat your password as your toothbrush, keep it to yourself.
  • Don’t post in anger- THINK! Are you going to regret it later on in life?
  • if you wouldn’t show it to your mum or dad… then don’t put it online!!
  • everyone has an e-safety tip so here is mine. Treat your personal information as a secret.
  • Don’t post when you’re angry or upset. You could regret it later.
  • Don’t post anything you don’t want the world to see-anyone can get at it once it’s out.
  • No matter how much you adore the internet, it’s always important to stay safe
  • Who will see it? Who do you want to know about it? Just THINK about that. Do you want anyone to see it?.
  • Do you know whose following you? If not make sure you do. Pleaseprivate your account.
  • Keep Calm and be Safe on the internet! When you’re safe on the internet your future is safet oo!
  • Think before you post! Is it something someone can use against you?
  • Always remember to check you rprivacy settings on your personal page you never know who’s watching.
  • If someone is upsetting you on social media or using language that you are not comfortable with, don’t sink down to their level.
  • Always keep your social network account to private so that only your friends can view your posts and information
  • Think before you send, think before you save. What’s on your phone and computer matters.
  • Do not send pornographic images to anyone not even your girl/boyfriend.
  • Always keep your social account details private e.g. tell your friends that you will only send a request once.
  • Would you want your parents and family see I tthen why strangers see it. Sexting could result in jail time so don’t let this happen.
  • Your name, address, age, inappropriate or embarrassing pictures. If you don’t want them for everyone to see then don’t post it!
  • When online don’t post anything inappropriate. If you wouldn’t want you’re relative to see the image then it may be inappropriate.
  • Sexting Never do it under18 doing so will get you in trouble with the law and could result in jail time. Think before you send
  • An account will not give the same impression to every viewer; everyone will have their own opinion, make it good.
  • As soon as you have posted or sent the photo it is out of your control. Don’t do anything you will regret.
  • Anyone and Everyone can be strangers. Don’t think it’s cool to have loads of followers even if you don’t know them.
  • If you don’t know the sender, then it might be a pretender!
  • Updating Windows is a must, to leave future problems in the dust!
  • Don’t share any personal details online to people you don’t know, by keeping your account private.
  • Think about what you post online as once it out there you can’t get it back and it could end up affecting schools, universities, jobs and you reputation online and offline. THINK!
  • Think about what you are posting on twitter and any other social networking site
  • think about what you post on the internet cause it could be something mean and you cant delete it
  • Think before you post because you won’t want to see it on the front of the newspaper.
  • Your DigitalFootprint is more permanent than you think!
  • Map out your future but do it in pencil.
  • Sexting is bad, you can’tget a job, it can ruin your life.
  • If you wouldn’t say it to their face don’t say it at all. People can hide behind their computer screen
  • Make sure you never give out personal details on the internet. Things cans pread to anyone in the world!
  • Always check your privacy settings; afriend of a friend of a friend’s uncle’s friend could be able to see your posts!
  • You have a digital footprint? Everything you do on the internet leaves a digital print. So before you putsomething on the internet think!
  • When u follow a person are u always nice? Think of it like following someone in the street then them turning on u and being mean!
  • Be internet safe " Don't assume - be sure"
  • Think. Are you really speaking to someone your own age?
  • Is this really who you think it is ?
  • Online, don’t talk to people you don’t know, you never know how far the conversation will go!
  • Be safe on computers, remember that, don’t be a fool and fall for a trick. Then the hacker will feel like a helpless brick!
  • Treat your password like your toothbrush don’t share it with anyone and change it often.
  • Don't give out personal information online - even if you think you know them
  • Be smart, be safe be an online hero
  • If you can’t be good online, get offline
  • If you don’t know them, say no to them
  • Ready steady check your settings
  • Think before you text
  • If you are worried, reach out and tell an adult
  • Keep calm and surf safe
  • Age limits are there for a reason, don’t pretend to be someone you’re not!

  • Written by Safeguarding Essentials on January 27, 2016 13:36

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