National CSE Awareness Day - 18th March 2020

Join the Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

Stop CSE Day Logo 2019National Charity NWG Network asks all to unite against child sexual exploitation for their National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day – 18th March 2020.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

The National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children.

Stop CSE Day image 2019Previous National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Days have seen hundreds of events take place across the UK, ranging from poster and leaflet displays to whole authorities embarking on targeted campaigns across public services and shopping centres.

Working with over 230 organisations across the UK to help prevent and raise awareness of child sexual exploitation, NWG Network continue to disseminate information on the issue of child sexual exploitation.

‘The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day is a great way to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers.'

How to get involved

The NWG advise, 'you can focus your awareness raising event to the day itself – 18th March – or spread it out with a series of events over the week or month. Just remember to let us know your plans and we will publicise them on our websites Awareness Day interactive map and through our social media platforms Holding events such as school talks to pupils, teaching staff and non-teaching staff, non-uniform days, stalls, displays, posters and leaflets through your place of work are an important and effective way of raising awareness and sharing important messages around child exploitation.'

The NWG are also asking people to write a personal pledge on your hands to show support for the Helping Hands campaign. Post your photo on social media with the hashtag #HelpingHands and #CEADay20 to help to raise awareness of CSE and wider exploitation.

Stop CSE Day Banner 2019

CSE Awareness Training For Staff

E-safety Support and Safeguarding Essentials offers members a CSE awareness training course for school staff. This online course helps staff understand why CSE is an important part of our safeguarding duty, some of the signs of CSE and how technology is being used for the purpose.

Find out more

Written by NWG Network on March 05, 2020 11:14

National CSE Awareness Day - 18th March 2019

Join the Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

Stop CSE Day Logo 2019National Charity NWG Network asks all to unite against child sexual exploitation for their National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day – 18th March 2019.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

The National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children.

Stop CSE Day image 2019Previous National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Days have seen hundreds of events take place across the UK, ranging from poster and leaflet displays to whole authorities embarking on targeted campaigns across public services and shopping centres.

Working with over 13,000 professionals across the UK to help prevent and raise awareness of child sexual exploitation, NWG Network continue to leverage the strength of that network in order to tackle the problem head on.

‘Each year we use our campaign to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation and encourage everyone in our society to tackle the issues of exploitation of our children.

This year we are introducing a wear red element to the existing Helping Hand messages. If you ensure you share our social media messages along with the web address to point everyone to signs and symptoms and where to go for help it would be another step to spreading the word and helping to reduce the abuse of our children.

NWG is committed to raising awareness and training professionals to help create zero tolerance to child sexual exploitation. Your donation will help us continue this invaluable work and ensure that as many people as possible think, spot and speak out about against exploitation of the young and vulnerable and help heal the wounds of victims and their families. Donations can be made through our text ‘VOICE’ to 70007 and through our donation page'. Commented Sheila Taylor MBE, CEO

Stop CSE Day Banner 2019

CSE Awareness Training For Staff

E-safety Support and Safeguarding Essentials offers members a CSE awareness training course for school staff. This online course helps staff understand why CSE is an important part of our safeguarding duty, some of the signs of CSE and how technology is being used for the purpose.

Find out more

Written by NWG Network on March 13, 2019 14:42

Stop CSE Awareness Day - 18th March

Join the Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation

STOPCSE LogoNational Charity NWG Network asks all to unite against child sexual exploitation for their National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day – 18th March 2017.

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

The National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children.

Previous National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day have seen hundreds of events take place across the UK, ranging from poster and leaflet displays to whole authorities embarking on targeted campaigns across public services and shopping centres.

Working with over 11,000 professionals across the UK to help prevent and raise awareness of child sexual exploitation, NWG Network continue to leverage the strength of that network in order to tackle the problem head on.

“The National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day offers an opportunity for focus, for education and for discussion across society. In light of recent news reports it is timely that the 2017 National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day falls on a Saturday, not only will this enable the public campaigning in shopping centre and public areas to reach a larger audience but it will also enable police forces, organisations and projects to focus on the issue of child sexual exploitation and abuse in sports, an opportunity to target the large audiences at football matches and other sporting events taking place over the weekend period and offer safeguarding messages to be delivered to weekend sports activities for children and young people. Together we can create more positive outcomes for so many vulnerable young people.” Commented Sheila Taylor, CEO.

On the 18th March 2017 NWG Network call for all to unite against child sexual exploitation. Show your support by writing a personal pledge and posting to your social media with the hashtag #HelpingHands to help them raise awareness of CSE.

NWG are committed to the fight against child sexual exploitation and supporting victims and their families who are subjected to this abuse. But they cannot succeed without the support of people like you.

Visit to find out more about the National Awareness Raising Day and putting a stop to CSE.


Written by Safeguarding Essentials on March 16, 2017 11:38

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